Change is Possible

....... Please Give Them A Chance

Hey There,

I want to take this moment to share a very special story with you – one that I believe will resonate deeply with you as a parent.

James, is a remarkable 9-year-old boy with a bright mind overshadowed by the challenges of autism and ADHD.

Despite his intelligence, James struggled with disruptive behaviour that left teachers frustrated and parents worried.

From stomping on teachers' feet to defiantly declaring, "I can do whatever I want," James's actions spoke volumes of his inner turmoil.

His inability to focus in class, coupled with bouts of self-harm during meltdowns, painted a picture of a child in desperate need of guidance and support.

But amidst the chaos, there was hope.

With gentle guidance and unwavering support, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and growth with James.

I introduced the tools of self-control and self-management. Through engaging in games and role-play exercises, James learned to channel his energy constructively.

But the journey didn't end there. We delved deeper into social skills, discovering the joy of making friends and seeking cooperation.

He discovered the joy of making friends, making eye contact during conversation, seeking cooperation, and embracing the values of respect, kindness and self-love.

With each lesson, he grew more confident, resilient, and at peace with himself.

As he embraced the values of respect, kindness, and self-love, James' heart expanded, radiating warmth and acceptance to all who crossed his path.

As the weeks passed, a remarkable transformation took place. No longer was James the disruptive force of before.

His once troubled soul now soared with newfound confidence and purpose.

I am thrilled to share with you that James's hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed.

James received a Good Progress Award—a testament to his resilience, perseverance, and growth—a nice wrap to end the journey with us.

As I reflect on James’ journey, I am reminded of the immense potential that lies within each child.

That change is possible.

With the right support and guidance, every child has the potential to thrive —the potential to overcome adversity, embrace their uniqueness, and shine brightly in the world.

And so, dear parents, I invite you to take heart in James’ story, to believe in the transformative power of love, compassion, and the human spirit.

For if James can change, then surely, there is hope for your child too.

At stART Studio, we are dedicated to helping them realize it.

Join us on a journey of creativity, resilience, and endless possibility.

Let's unlock your child's inner potential together.

Learn more about us at and enrol today.

Rooting for your success,

Elfin Ng

Growth Coach @ stART Studio